which places you advice me to visit in Paris?
2006-08-22 09:23:08 UTC
which places you advice me to visit in Paris?
Fifteen answers:
2006-08-22 09:26:17 UTC
Les Champs-Elysees
2006-08-22 09:32:59 UTC
La Tour Eiffel,

Galleries Lafayette, go to the top of the store and see the view, also note that on every floor of the store is somewhere to eat and drink, on the childrens floor, is a McD's ( sad but funny halfway up in a big dept store)

Versailles is absolutely beautiful, the gardens have all been restored, I didn't bother going in the hosue as the gardens are spectactular and free,

Take a river baton down the Seine too, fabulous views of Paris,

The Big Wheel on Place de La Concorde, also worth a view

If you can leave Paris, go to Giverney, former home of Monet and see the Gardens where he painted
2016-11-05 13:30:35 UTC
while i grow to be there summer season of 2000 there grow to be a bike excursion employer called Mike's bike excursions or Bullfrog bike excursions. Its an English bike excursion the place you bike throughout a number of areas in paris. We have been only in paris for 2 days and went on the morning and night bike excursion. The night one ends with slightly boatride down the canal and a few wine. They meet at between the "feet" of the Eiffel tower. At which circumstances..i do no longer remember. i could especially propose that. I observed each little thing i desired to establish interior the constrained time we had!
2006-08-22 09:34:10 UTC
As much as you can. Visit a website.....

Champs Elysee is extremely busy.

Notre Dame (a bit of a let down, in my view)

Sacre Couer

Eiffel tower - the queue is extremely long for the lift - cheaper and quicker to climb all those stairs!!

Arc de Triomphe with the grave of the unknown soldier

The Louvre was the best for me. Take all day to do it. It's really cheap to get in too.

Enjoy. It is a beautiful city. Architecture is fabulous.
2006-08-22 09:34:02 UTC
If you go to the Sacré Cour, hold onto our wallet- it's crawling with pickpockets.

The Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triumph are worth seeing, as is the Louvre and various other tourist areas. It's a great place, have fun!
2006-08-22 09:33:05 UTC
Champs-Elyses, which includes the Arc de Triomphe, Place de la Concorde and also The Louvre. Beautiful city, so well though out and designed. Eiffel tower as well, just because it is so famous, though very busy, with long queues, expensive and very badly organised, but o well.
2006-08-22 10:02:19 UTC
There is one tour that no one ever mentions and that is "The catacombs". They are under the city and are the resting place for literally millions of skeletons. They are stacked from floor to ceiling in the order of size. It is amazing and only about 3 euros. Also try The Black Police Museum.
2006-08-22 15:02:21 UTC
My favourite spot is Montmartre & Sacre Coeur for fabulous views of Paris:

For further ideas, check the following link out and click on the thumbnails :
2006-08-22 11:41:06 UTC
Go on "Travel-Europe-France-Paris" and you'll see the "must see" places of Paris with photos and some words about them. Bon voyage and if you want I'll be glad to be helpful.
2006-08-22 11:21:39 UTC
Go to Monmartre and Sacre Couer - amazing basilica and spectacular view of Paris.
2006-08-22 16:00:30 UTC
Eiffel tower the Louvre so many places to see
2006-08-22 14:39:21 UTC
Eiffel Tower , but most importantly hit the shops!!
lonely as a cloud
2006-08-22 09:32:48 UTC
I would say the eiffel tower
2006-08-22 09:30:57 UTC
The airport so you can get out of there.

It's all shops and price tags.
2006-08-22 13:37:31 UTC
euro disney

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